17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Scientific Programme

The ICHEP 2024 Scientific Program is organised with plenary and parallel sessions for oral presentations and a poster session. Contributions to the conference will be selected according to their relevance within the following Scientific tracks. The size of the meeting will be similar to previous editions; about 750-800 parallel talks are expected, and the length of the contribution will span from 12-15 minutes, followed up by 3 minutes of discussion. The conference will have online proceedings. The conference is in person only.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact the Scientific Secretariat at sci@ichep2024.org.

  • 01. Higgs Physics

    The session will be dedicated to the latest experimental results and theoretical developments in the Higgs boson sector. Current approaches for studying the Higgs boson at the LHC and prospects of Higgs measurements at HL-LHC and future colliders will be included. The session will also cover beyond-the-Standard model searchers involving Higgs signatures.

    Daniel de Florian (UNSAM)
    Linda Finco (Nebraska Uni.)
    Katharine Leney (Southern Methodist Uni.)
    Eleni Vryonidou (Uni. Manchaster)
    Marco Zaro (Uni. Milan)
    Michaela Mlynarikova (CERN)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-01-higgs@cern.ch

  • 02. Neutrino Physics

    This section hosts contributions on theoretical and experimental neutrino physics. It collects reviews on recent results from existing detectors and presentations on the physics reach of planned future instrumentations. Discussions on the theoretical framework are welcome.

    Antonio Carcamo (Uni. Santa Maria Valpariso)
    Linda Cremonesi (Queen Mary London)
    Sunny Seo (FNAL)
    Viktor Pec (Inst. Phys. Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-02-neutrino@cern.ch

  • 03. Beyond the Standard Model

    This session covers the latest direct and indirect experimental searches of physics beyond Standard Model (BSM), new methodologies for BSM searches and recent theoretical and phenomenological progress in BSM.

    Tina Potter (Uni. Cambridge)
    Isabell Melzer-Pellmann (DESY)
    Admir Greljo (Uni. Basel)
    Patrick Meade (Stony Brook)
    Sezen Sekmen (Kyungpook Natl. Uni.)
    Michal Malinsky (Uni. Charles)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-03-bsm@cern.ch

  • 04. Top Quark and Electroweak Physics

    This section will cover recent developments in top quark and electroweak physics. It will include both experimental and theoretical aspects.

    Maria Moreno Llacer (Uni. Valencia)
    Qiang Li (Uni. Peking)
    Maria Vittoria Garzelli (Uni. Hamburg)
    Rene Poncelet (INP Cracow)
    Peter Berta (Uni. Charles)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-04-topew@cern.ch

  • 05. Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics

    The session is devoted to experimental results and theoretical studies regarding the processes depending upon the flavour of quarks and leptons. Particular attention is put on the studies of CP-violation effects, rare decays and decays potentially revealing violation of the leptonic-flavour conservation and leptonic universality.

    Lucia Grillo (Uni. Glasgow)
    Elisa Manoni (Uni. Perugia)
    Stefan Schacht (Uni. Manchester)
    Weimin Song (Uni. Jilin)
    Tomas Jakoubek (Inst. Weizmann)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-05-flavour@cern.ch

  • 06. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics

    This session is devoted to both perturbative and non-perturbative regimes of strong interactions, including the production and spectroscopy of heavy and exotic hadrons.

    Raffaele del Grande (TUM)
    Josu Cantero Garcia (Uni. Valencia)
    Katerina Lipka (DESY)
    Liupan An (Uni. Pekin)
    Valerio Bertone (IRFU Saclay)
    Raúl Briceno (Berkeley)
    Jan Matousek (Uni. Charles)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-06-qcd@cern.ch

  • 07. Heavy Ions

    In this section, recent developments and future perspectives of heavy-ion physics will be covered (at low and very high energy) from both the theoretical and experimental perspective.

    Zaida Conesa del Valle (IJCLab Orsay)
    Sebastian Tapia (Uni. Santa Maria)
    Leticia Cunqueiro (INFN Rome)
    Emilie Maurice (LLR)
    Liliana Apolinario (LIP Lisbon)
    Katarina Krizkova-Gajdosova (CTU Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-07-hi@cern.ch

  • 08. Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology

    This session brings together international experts in astroparticle physics and cosmology to discuss the most recent results and future perspectives in high-energy astroparticle physics, cosmic microwave background, large-scale structure and gravitational waves science.

    Luca Latronico (INFN Torino)
    Ke Fang (Uni. Wisconsin)
    Marcelle Soares-Santos (Uni. Zurich)
    Denise Boncioli (Uni. of L’Aquila and INFN-LNGS)
    Gonzalo Palma (Beauchef)
    Alexander Vikman (Inst. Phys. Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-08-astrocosmo@cern.ch

  • 09. Dark Matter Detection

    This session will be devoted to the physics of Dark Matter (DM). The feasibility of DM detection at colliders and via direct and indirect searches will be discussed. Also covered will be the discussion of theoretical models behind the DM searches.

    Irene Bolognino (Uni. Adelaide)
    Sara Diglio (Subatech)
    Christian Ohm (Royal Inst. Tech. Stockholm)
    Martin Stahlberg (MPI Munich)
    Simon Knapen (LBNL)
    Marek Matas (CTU Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-09-dm@cern.ch

  • 10. Formal Theory

    This session will cover recent advances and results in the theoretical developments that push the boundaries of established theoretical frameworks and extend the mathematical description of the world that we live in.

    Anastasia Volovich (Uni. Brown)
    Jaroslav Trnka (US Davis)
    Renann Lipinski (Inst. Phys. Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-10-theory@cern.ch

  • 11. Accelerator: Physics, Performance, and R&D for Future Facilities

    This session addresses technologies and performances of existing and next-generation accelerators (including HL-LHC) and their potential and impact on present and future particle physics research.

    Yuhui Li (IHEP)
    Gaku Miksuka (KEK)
    Diktys Stratakis (Fermilab)
    Nicolas Mounet (CERN)
    Jiri Kral (DESY)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-11-accelerator@cern.ch

  • 12. Operation, Performance and Upgrade (incl. HL-LHC) of Present Detectors

    This session is dedicated to experience gained in detector operations during data taking: real performances versus expected ones, as well as new techniques and solutions needed to face issues due to detector ageing and planned luminosity upgrades.

    Danijela Bogavac (CERN)
    Stefania Bufalino (INFN Torino)
    Silvia Franchino (Uni. Heidelberg)
    Ioana Codrina Maris (IIHE Brussel)
    Katsuro Nakamura (KEK)
    Andre David (CERN)
    Marcela Mikestikova (Inst. Phys. Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-12-operation@cern.ch

  • 13. Detectors for Future Facilities, R&D, Novel Techniques

    This track covers recent results and future developments in detection techniques and electronics for fundamental particle physics.

    David Attie (Saclay)
    Gabriella Gaudio (Uni. Pavia)
    Tanaz Mohayai (Uni. Indiana)
    Anna Macchiolo (Uni. Zurich)
    Jana Faltova (Uni. Charles)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-13-detectors@cern.ch

  • 14. Computing, AI and Data Handling

    This section is dedicated to addressing computer, networking and software challenges related to the highly demanding needs of the HEP experiments.

    Fabio Catalano (CERN)
    James Catmore (Uni. Oslo)
    Thea Aarrestad (ETH Zurich)
    Gavin Davies (FNAL)
    Fazhi Qi (IHEP)
    Dagmar Adamova (Inst. Phys. Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-14-computing@cern.ch

  • 15. Education and Outreach

    This section will include topics relevant to science outreach and physics education. It will focus on recent developments in a variety of activities in schools, research institutes, universities, clubs, institutions such as science museums and events aimed at broadening awareness of general public about the research in high-energy physics.

    Connie Potter (CERN)
    David Barney (CERN)
    Miroslav Myska (CTU Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-15-education@cern.ch

  • 16. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    This track will discuss three essential values in business and society and report on the progress in bringing these values to fundamental research and institutions involved.

    Sami Räsänen (Inst. Phys. Helsinky)
    Tracey Berry (Royal Holloway, Uni. London)
    Flavia de Almeida Dias (Uni. Amsterdam)
    Johan Bonilla (UC Davis)
    Jaroslava Obertova (CTU Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-16-edi@cern.ch

  • 17. Technology Applications and Industrial Opportunities

    This section is dedicated to the technology transfer originated by the research in High Energy Physics. The main focus is on novel techniques developed in the R&D of accelerators and detectors for future experiments that could have industrial applications.

    Hayk Hakobyan (USM)
    Giulio Pellegrini (IFAE Barcelona)
    Vit Vorobel (Uni. Charles)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-17-technology@cern.ch

  • 18. Sustainability (accelerators, detectors, computing)

    This is a new session in ICHEP2024. Nowadays, the need for sustainability impacts any human activity. This session will discuss the sustainability of fundamental high-energy particle research. Visionary contributions that would help set the direction of the field for decades to come are welcome.

    Claire David (AIMS Cape Town)
    Heinrich Schindler (CERN)
    Peter Millington (Uni. Manchester)
    Jaroslav Adam (CTU Prague)

    Contact: ichep2024-pgm-18-sustainability@cern.ch